Transport services and freight transport

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Are you looking for a transport service provider to deliver goods from your warehouse to your customers? Do you want to get rid of your warehouse, but don’t have a new warehouse and need to store your goods and deliver them to your customers?

Kolimisrõõm comes to the rescue! We offer both regular and distribution shipments, and we offer the possibility to use our warehouse as a main warehouse or fulfillment center for transporting goods to customers. Of course, we can also arrange delivery from your warehouse.

We have comfortable, modern warehouses in Tallinn where you can send your goods to either a main warehouse or a temporary warehouse, and where we can carry out home and distribution deliveries.

In addition, we also offer box van and truck transport services. Our vans are typically 21 cubic metres, with or without tailgate. Van bodies allow for optimal storage of goods and the tailgate allows for convenient loading of pallets and heavy items. We also offer transport services with 45-55 cubic metre trucks with either rear or side loading.

What is the price of transport and freight?

If you are a business customer and need a solution to your transport issues, please feel free to contact Depending on your wishes and the details of the job, we will make you a personalised offer that takes into account all the details of the job.

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